Andrew Tate Promoted Father Meme Gold coin Flips Iggy Azalea’s MOTHER

Andrew Tate promoted meme gold coin Father has flipped MOTHER, the token produced by Australian rapper Iggy Azalea, based on DEX Screener. It was the aim the former kickboxer, Tate, was gunning when ever he first promoted the token.

“I’m supporting a gold coin known as $Father to switch it for that patriarchy,” Tate published on Twitter, soon after first promoting it. “We’re getting the Gs back cause me to feel a fucking sandwich females.”

The self-announced misogynist continued a spree of tweets promoting the token, claiming that he’ll never sell but rather burn the 40% from the supply he holds in the public wallet.

Consequently, the token broke a $200 million market cap mid-day on Wednesday, flipping MOTHER along the way which in fact had an industry cap of $192 million.

Soon after this, the Iggy Azalea launched MOTHER token reclaimed a $200 million market cap. Because the artist visited the brand new You are able to Stock Market and Forbes printed articles touting her like a “creator economy pioneer” the token shot up to and including market cap of $212 million.

However this wasn’t enough to reclaim her place because the top influencer token as Father ongoing to increase. Soon, it cruised past MOTHER’s all-time high market cap of $240 million and quickly broke a $300 million market cap—peaking at $340 million. Meanwhile, MOTHER fell below $200 million.

Now, the Tate-endorsed token Father sits in a market cap of $256 million while MOTHER has fallen to $163 million. Tate, who’s presently waiting for trial in Romania for alleged human trafficking and rape charges, required to Twitter to celebrate, claiming that he’s “built different” and it is “overtaking.”

All of this comes among insider buyer claims rallied from the Father token. Crypto analytics startup Bubblemaps published a number of Tweets which, they feel, implies that insiders bought 30% of total supply in the token’s launch on the top of Tate being gifted 40% from the supply.

“One wallet selling could crash the liquidity,” they published.

Interestingly, similar claims were rallied against Azalea’s token MOTHER in the analytics firm. Within this situation, they feel that 20% from the supply was sniped using these wallets already selling $two million during the time of posting.

This occurs from the backdrop of Tate’s trail for alleged human trafficking and rape in Romania—resulting within the influencer being barred from departing the nation.

In March, British government bodies issued another arrest warrant for Andrew Tate and the more youthful brother, Tristan, on charges associated with rape and sexual assault. Romanian government bodies decided to extradite the influencer once the final outcome of his trial within their country.

Edited by Stacy Elliott.

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