51% of Ethereum blocks are actually compliant with OFAC standards, raising censorship concerns

30 days following the Merge, 51% of Ethereum blocks were compliant with OFAC standards, according to blockchain development Labrys’ data, as MEV-boost relays dominate share of the market

On Twitter, users highlighted the way the figures represent a milestone towards censorship, as increasing numbers of blocks they are under surveillance:

OFAC means work of Foreign Assets Control, the entity responsible for enforcing U . s . States economic sanctions, while mev-boost relays are centralized entities that behave as reliable mediators between block producers and block builders. In this manner, all Ethereum proof-of-stake (PoS) validators can delegate their block production with other builders. 

This metric tracks the number of blocks were built by OFAC-compliant mev-boost relays because the Merge. Because of Ethereum’s upgrade to some PoS consensus, mev-boost continues to be enabled to some more representative distribution of block proposers, as opposed to a select few of miners under proof-of-work (Bang).

Talking with Cointelegraph in September, Lachan Feeney, Labrys’ Chief executive officer, noted that within the situation of hard censorship, that indicates “no matter how lengthy you anxiously waited, regardless of how much you compensated, you’d never get to some extent where individuals sanctioned transactions would get incorporated within the blockchain.”

Within hard censorship scenario, “nodes could be forced by regulation to essentially discard any blocks with these transactions inside them.”

Also, he noted that despite soft censorship, when sanctioned transactions would eventually become validated, it might likely lead to lengthy waits and-priority charges, making the consumer experience substandard.

Based on Labrys’ page, you will find presently seven major mev-boost relays including Flashbots, BloXroute Max Profit, BloXroute Ethical, BloXroute Controlled, BlockNative, Manifold and Eden. “From the 7 available major relays, only 3 don’t censor based on OFAC compliance needs. OFAC compliant relays won’t include any transactions that communicate with the Tornado Cash smart contract or any other sanctioned wallet addresses as designated by OFAC,” mentioned the organization.

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